Hopeful Interview

Unfortunately I have not heard back from some of the people that i have contacted to do an interview. But I expect to hear back soon, so hopefully I will still be able to interview them. But I do still have some questions that I would like to ask them, if an when i interview them. I am hopeful of interviewing someone from a newspaper, so these are the questions that are going to be directed towards them.

  1. What made you want to become a writer/journalist?
  2. What are some of your favorite things to write about?
  3. What certain things would you tell other aspiring writers they should know so that they can become better writers?
  4. Do you have to know photography to be a good writer?
  5. What made you want to choose to work at this certain newspaper/magazine?
  6. Whats the hardest thing about being a writer? Explain.
  7. How did you get your name out there?
  8. How did you get into sports writing?
  9. Do you have deadlines, and do you feel stressed to get things done in short amount of time?
  10. Whats the most frustrating thing about being a writer.

Hopefully I will be able to ask these questions, because I am very curious about all of these questions, and would love to learn more if given the opportunity to interview these people.

3 thoughts on “Hopeful Interview

  1. Hey Dom, I was excited about your last post wanting to interview someone from the Tampa Buccs. I’m not sure if you were able to get in contact with anyone but I think interviewing someone from the newspaper will be cool as well. I’m ready to read the feedback to your questions. Hopefully, the feedback could help me in the future!


  2. Hi Dominick.
    I think this interview will definitely help you and anyone else who reads it become a better writer. It’ll offer a better understanding of the process of becoming a successful journalist and what it takes to get to the place you want to be. I hope you’re able to interview someone who really interests you.


  3. Hey Dom, I hope you find the right person for the interview soon. I think once you do, that you will have a better understanding of what it takes to be successful in writing. I am curious to what they might say when answering your questions about how they got into journalism.


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